Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives



Participants : Anatole Lécuyer [contact] , Maud Marchal, Victor Mercado.

LOBBY-BOT is a 4-year project (2017-2021) funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR). The objective of LOBBY-BOT is to address the scientific challenges of encountered-type haptic devices (ETHD), which are an alternative category of haptic devices relying on a mobile physical prop, usually actuated by a robot, that constantly follows the user hand, and encounter it only when needed. The project follows two research axes: a first one dealing with robot control, and the second one dealing with interaction techniques adapted to ETHD. The involvement of Hybrid relates to the second research axis of the project. The final project prototype will be used to assess the benefits of ETHD when used in an industrial use-case : the perceived quality in an automotive interior.

Inria projects


Participants : Anatole Lécuyer [contact] , Hakim Si Mohammed.

BCI-LIFT is a 4-year "Inria Project Lab" initiative (2015-2019) funded by Inria for supporting a national research effort on Brain-Computer Interfaces. This joint lab involves several Inria teams: Hybrid, Potioc, Athena, Neurosys, Loki, Demar; as well as external partners: INSERM-Lyon, and INSA Rouen. This project aims at improving several aspects of Brain-Computer Interfaces: learning and adaptation of BCI systems, user interfaces and feedback, training protocols, etc.


Participants : Anatole Lécuyer [contact] , Ferran Argelaguet, Diane Dewez, Rebecca Fribourg.

AVATAR is a 4-year "Inria Project Lab" initiative (2018-2022) funded by Inria for supporting a national research effort on Avatars and Virtual Embodiment. This joint lab involves several Inria teams: Hybrid, Potioc, Loki, Mimetic, Graphdeco, Morpheo; as well as external partners: Univ. Bacelona, Faurecia and Technicolor companies. This project aims at improving several aspects of Avatars in immersive applications: reconstruction, animation, rendering, interaction, multi-sensory feedback, etc.


Participants : Ferran Argelaguet [contact] , Gwendal Fouché.

NAVISCOPE is a 4-year "Inria Project Lab" initiative (2018-2022) funded by Inria for supporting a national research effort on image-guided navigation and visualization of large data sets in live cell imaging and microscopy. This joint lab involves several Inria teams: Serpico, Aviz, Beagle, Hybrid, Mosaic, Parietal, Morpheme; as well as external partners: INRA and Institute Curie. This project aims at improving visualization and machine learning methods in order to provide systems capable to assist the scientist to obtain a better understanding of massive amounts of information.